Tuesday, 24 May 2011


I had an impulse decision to dye over my blonde ends, I was undecided whether to buy the blue or teal. I went for teal, tried to dye it and panicked after I saw the colour after 5 minutes and washed it out. I resemble Medusa, I reckon it would look reasonable if it was a different colour.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


I quite obviously haven't posted on here for some time, mainly because I am incapable of keeping uptodate with things. Here are some things that I have developed a liking to;

A really sweet jewellery shop that usually makes an appearance at Vintage fairs around Worcester and Birmingham.

BIG love for this guy at the moment, such a talented musician!

Merging the faces of KISS members to myself and friends (for design work):

Two toned hair, even though it's definitely had it's day:

Block heels:
Worth a peek.

A rekindled love for Marilyn Manson and a new love for Hurts. Although they do remind me of 80's pop band Wham!
Worth a listen.

Andrej Pejic.
A slightly pathetic decision.

and finally, the fact that my hair wrap/braid has decided to cling onto my hair since August 2010 :)