Sunday, 5 February 2012


Soooo it wasn't the best idea I've had. I'm stuck in a 'cut a full fringe in, grow it out, cut a full fringe...' rut. I'm aware that they make my head look huuuuge but since I cut 3 inches off on sunday (my hair needed it because of all the dip dying! and I didn't have time to go the hairdressers) I've been really bored with it.

Besides it's only hair, it'll grow back:)

Just after I cut it in, the lipstick is a Mac one probably going to do another cheesey review on it because it's amazing.

Today I'm having a lazy day and lounging around in an oversized hoody doing some 'publication design' work. I'm also trying to teach myself Japanese, I understand that I will be labelled 'geeky' but never mind I don't care, I've wanted to do it for ages but never gotten around to it. Besides, I'm only in uni for two days so don't want to waste my days just doing nothing.

Konnichi wa! Genki desu ka?

Haircuts tend to look better once they've 'settled'. This remains just as disastrous.

Amanda lou


  1. I'm in the same fringe rut as you! I'm growing it out to a sweepy side fringey thing :( Its taking ages, but I'm not using heat, trimming a tiny bit every few weeks and using a deep conditioner. Hopefully it will grow! Yours really suits you, its gorgeous :) And high five for the nerdyness :)

  2. I really like the fringe on you, looks so lovely. I did the same thing too, kept trying to grow my fringe out then cut it back in and wanted to grow it out again! I think teaching yourself Japanese sounds pretty amazing to be honest! xx

  3. What?! Those look like the perfect bangs! Love them, have been thinking a lot about bangs lately. I love your hair!
